Sheffield Townhome Association Voice
A Guide for Proactive Townhome Ownership
What are the answers to these questions?
Should homeowners be asking these questions at Board Meetings?
- Did you know the Sheffield Board of Directors issues Cease and Desist orders from high-price lawyers against homeowners preventing them from thier Illinois State Law RIGHTS?
- Today, 8-19-2024, I spoke with a gentleman who has lived here for ten years and makes a living with his tools and truck that he parks at 1000 N. Walnut Ln. He said that his tools have been stolen from his car twice in the past few years. He also commented that the association refuses to put cameras up to catch the thief. I also saw today the remnants of a large party in the parking lot with a bottle of hard liquor all over. On 8-16-2024, while I was out for my walk and was solicited for sex, she was stone drunk. Why don't we have more security?
- Ask yourself, is this self managed community working for you?
- On 8-21-2024, I had a conversation with a homeowner who has been part of our community for sixteen years. His disappointment with the Board and Property management was palpable, and it's a sentiment I've noticed among many homeowners. It's time for us to come together and take collective action. Let's unite to bring about change by replacing the entire board of directors in the fall when they lose their grip on the community. We must demand NO to a Proxy Vote to ensure our voices are heard. As a community, we need to reflect on the past twenty years and ask, where has all the money gone? (See Examples of Neglect)
- Did you know that the board of directors is a CLUB? That is correct. I spoke with several homeowners who wish to fill empty slots on the Sheffield town board but were told they could NOT be on the board because they were not in the CLUB. Do you think this violation of homeowners' rights is a way for the board to manipulate the fair and free election of the Sheffield Board of Directors? And for what reason would they do this? Is it time for full disclosure?
- Why do the employees and contractors take pictures and video of homeowners? This is a viloation of our rights and it is CREEPY!
Chuck Watson - REMOVED - Not a Homeowner. Should renters be on the board? They cannot and should NOT VOTE! We checked with the Illinois counsel and discovered that our bylaws allowing non-unit owners to serve on the board had been overridden by state law. Chuck Watson stepped down with that because he wasn't on the deed. He intends to get his name on the deed so he can rejoin, and the board appointed his wife in the interim. A single vote made no decisions during his tenure. We need to confirm this. ( sent to me from Mark Johnson) This action was only taken after I told them I would report the violation to the state. The board has been breaking state law for years! The Voice spoke with a lawyer, and it does not matter what the vote count was for a vote; they are all invalid because Chuck can influence the vote! - Should homeowners who were left out of the 2008 remodeling ($5,000,000) be compensated for our reduced home values, as estimated by Doug Grier? Sheffield Towne board president did an analysis and wrote that it would increase the value of the phase one townhome by 10 to 15 percent. Read the Proposal from Doug Grier 2008 Phase Proposal. Be sure to read the GOALs. Should homeowners who have lived here longer get priority in increasing our property values and curb appeal?
- Should homeowners that have lived here longer get a prioity on increasing our propertry values and curb appeal
- Have you noticed all the work being done in the past four months? Have you ever wondered why it took, in some cases, decades for the Sheffield Board of Directors to take action to repair our parking and landscaping? And why now? Is it because of this website?
- Why does Sheffield have such a low curb appeal compared to Windsong Schaumburg?
- Why don't we have a 1,3,5,10, and 25-year plan for the community?
- Why are there cables running through the streets and overhead in the trees? Is it the responsibility of property management to ensure safety? Should they be working with the offenders to get this EYE-SOARE removed?
- Why did it take repeated posts for years to resolve the garbage and trash problems?
- What is the Association Dues history over the past 35 years, and what did we get for the increase?
- Why do the employees spend so many hours a day riding around in a truck with two people in it three to four times a day, doing nothing, driving past violations and trash?
- Why was our tree trimming and landscaping neglected for so many years? Why did the work finally get done after posting this neglect on social media?
- Why won't you take your SIGNS down? It's what the people want after they voted in March, April, May, June, and now July? Are there some homeowners in Schaumburg who have yet to see a clear eye-sore of a sign to the community, and why do you continue?
- Why did the board allow the Architectural Commity to be disbanded, allowing for no oversight?
- Why did the board allow the Landscaping Commity to be disbanded, allowing for no oversight?
- Please explain in detail what happened with the last major project that the board pushed in 2008. What was the total cost, including Lawsuits, interest payments to BMO, contractors, permits, and materials?
- Why does the board of directors prevent homeowners from having legal rights to all the Sheffield Towne Homeowners Association?
- What exactly are the plans for renovations?
- What are the COSTS per unit?
- How Long will each unit take to complete, TIME?
- How Long will it take to complete all homes, Months, Years?
- Will the 2008 Phase 1 of 4 be excluded from these changes since it just can not trust the property mangement or the board of directors.
- What homes will be started first and why?
- What are the additional costs due to overruns when underlying issues are found? See what happened in 2008.
- Building Codes Updates?
- Why can't a homeowner submit a Work order Request on the association's website? Or the FAQ page:
Q: If I want to serve on a committee, how do I find out what committees are active and how I can get involved?
A: The Contact Us page(there is no form) of this website will inform you of the status of current committees organized and committee contact information. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the committee chair(No Chair) or fill out the online volunteer form found on the Management Office page of this site. - Why has the Board of Directors not polled the community to see what is important to us?
- For thirty days, I've walked, driven, or biked through the association property between 7:30 AM and 9:30 PM, and I rarely see any of the trucks or employees on the property. They seemed to be parked at the barn most of the day. What are they doing?
Be aware of ecent push to FINALLY do YEARS of over do TREE trimming and other Neglected Landscaping! Homeowners VS Association Law
Don't give them cart blanch with your proxy vote. If you do then ONLY FOUR will decide the FATE for Five Hundred and Ninty two homeowners.
Have you ever wondered why the Sheffield Towne Association can only contract substandard contractors? For example, LANSCAPERS. Why did they use the same contractor that Even Past President and, past president, knew people were unhappy with for over a decade? We'll be telling that story soon.
Elections: Conducting well-run elections with scrupulous integrity and honesty is an essential function of every association. It's of utmost importance that every association follow the rules for conducting an election that complies with Illinois law. If owners are going to trust the members of the boards that govern the affairs of their association, they first must have confidence that their election was fair and lawful.
Welcome to Sheffield Towne Voice a vibrant community of 592 town homes nestled in the scenic northwest of Schaumburg. Constructed by the esteemed Levitt & Sons from 1970-1975, our neighborhood boasts forty-four acres of professionally landscaped common areas, with a history-rich clubhouse that once served as the original sales office. This is your Sheffield Towne Association, source for the latest community news, events, and homeowner services.
Who is Permitted to Vote in the Election?
With few exceptions, only unit owners, who are members of the association, may vote in the Association’s election. An issue may arise from time to time when a spouse of a unit owner seeks to vote in the Association’s election. However, unless the spouse possesses ownership in the unit, a spouse is not permitted to vote.
One permitted exception to the general rule is that individuals who are “installment contract purchasers” may vote in board elections. An installment contract purchaser is one who has a contract in which a seller agrees to sell a unit, and the consideration for the sale is payable in installments for a period of at least one year after the buyer takes possession of the unit. In this type of transaction, the seller continues to have an interest in the property. In such a case, the installment contract purchaser has the right to vote in the board election unless the seller expressly retains such right in writing.
An additional exception exists where a unit is held in a trust or corporation. The trustee or corporate entity may designate a person to cast a vote on behalf of a trust or corporation and a beneficiary of the trust is also entitled vote.
With few exceptions, only unit owners, who are members of the association, may vote in the Association’s election. An issue may arise from time to time when a spouse of a unit owner seeks to vote in the Association’s election. However, unless the spouse possesses ownership in the unit, a spouse is not permitted to vote.
Ballots & Proxies
Unless the Association has adopted a rule to the contrary, many condominium associations permit owners to vote by proxy. A proxy form may be used when an owner cannot attend the annual meeting to cast a ballot or wishes to submit their vote before the meeting. The proxy form allows the owner to designate an individual (the "proxy holder") to cast their ballot at the annual meeting but is not, itself, a "ballot." IS IT LEGAL FOR THE BOARD TO KEEP EXTENDING THE VOTING DATE? We shall find out!
Section 18 (a)(18) of the Act stipulates that if the Board distributes a proxy, the form must allow the unit owner to designate any person as the proxy holder and express a preference for any of the known candidates for the Board or to write in a name. It's important to note that this rule only applies to proxies distributed by the Board and not to a proxy distributed by a unit owner. Understanding this distinction is key to navigating The proxy usage process. DON'T BE A FOOL.
For owners who prefer to attend the annual meeting in person and cast their vote, the option of voting by ballot is available. The ballot form itself should include the names of all known candidates, and also provide spaces for write-in candidates, who may be identified at the annual meeting. This process ensures that all owners have a fair and transparent opportunity to participate in the voting process.
In some associations, "secret balloting" is also used, per Section 18(b)(10) of the Act. In such elections, the voting ballot is marked only with the percentage of ownership interest for the unit and the vote itself. This process permits the Association to keep the identity of voting owners confidential.
Upcoming Meetings: September 30, 2024
Details about upcoming board meetings and topics of Discussion.
Do Not Give The Sheffield Towne Board Your Proxy Vote!
If you have already voted, pull your PROXY VOVE TODAY, by sending an email to STA Board! Let's have the board and employees work as hard for the landscaping as they do showing their agenda down our throats with signage.
Today I saw the entire staff was, yet again, stuffing a letter in our doors. Is this the best use of thier time. And after a 1 hor lunch and 45 minute breaks, 8 AM to 4PM day, as they spent 1/3 of the day in distribution of letter and another 1/5 of the day justing around in the trucks. Very wasteful of time, money, and enery costs!
Giving a proxy vote to the Sheffield Towne board of directors in a homeowners association (HOA) should raise concerns for several reasons.
A proxy vote is a powerful tool in the context of an HOA, as it allows a member to delegate their voting rights to another person, significantly impacting the decision-making process within the association. Here are some reasons why a homeowner might reconsider giving their proxy vote directly to the board of directors:
- Concentration of Power: Giving proxy votes to the board of directors will lead to a concentration of power within a small group of individuals. This will reduce the diversity of opinions and perspectives considered in decision-making processes, potentially leading to decisions that may only reflect the broader interests of some homeowners.
- Potential for Conflict of Interest: Board members may have their interests that could conflict with the best interests of the community as a whole. If board members hold a significant number of proxy votes, they might be tempted to use these votes to influence decisions in their favor rather than in the best interest of all homeowners. The board has a history of self-interest.
As when a board member prevented homeowners from getting cars towed because she had business at her home and did not want her customers to get towed. Or when they approved Randy Brown to be the property Managment . Or when they took over a home on Oxford Ct and allowed their employees to live there, FREE, for years. Unfortunately, I could write about this all day long... - Reduced Accountability: When board members hold many proxy votes, their accountability to the homeowners will be reduced. Since they have enough votes to influence outcomes, they might feel less compelled to justify their decisions or discuss their concerns and suggestions with homeowners. Remember the 5 million Dollar Nightmare we all paid for, but only one-third or fewer got the benefit? We promised all our would get the same upgrades, But we did not!
- Lack of Representation: Every homeowner has unique concerns, priorities, and perspectives. By delegating their vote to the board, homeowners may lose the opportunity to influence decisions that directly affect their property and community life. This will lead to decisions that must adequately represent the community's diverse views and needs.
- Encourages Passivity: Relying on the board to vote on behalf of homeowners will discourage active participation and engagement within the community. It's crucial for the health of the HOA that all members feel encouraged to participate in discussions, attend meetings, and vote on issues directly rather than delegating this responsibility.
The total votes outstanding in the Class membership equal 592 as of October 1, 1973
To Achive a Succesfull Voye 375 Votes to Pass!
Sheffield Towne Association CORP DOC - Articles of Incorporation Bylaws Dec of Covenants.pdf
Sheffield Towne Association CORP DOC - Maintenance Arch Control Fencing Parking.pdf
Sheffield Towne Association CORP DOC - Architectural Control.pdf
Rights and Responsibilities of the Sheffield Towne Association Board Members
Schaumburg Public Works Committee Minutes signed by Sheffield Board
Sheffield Towne Board of Directors
- Scott Aldrich - Email President- Self Appointed - 1802 Fenwick Ct Schaumburg, IL
- Mark McLean - Secretary - 1917 Hastings Ct Schaumburg, 60194
- Edward Callahan - Treasurer - 1800 Fenwick Ct, Schaumburg, IL 60194
- Tom Kunzer - Member - 1030 Denham Pl APT 1, Schaumburg, IL 60194
- Bruce Lund - Member - 1930 Cheltenham Pl, Schaumburg, IL 60194
- Victor Solorzano - Member - 1014 Denham Place, Schaumburg, IL 60194
- Chuck Watson - REMOVED - Not a Homeowner. Should renters be the board? They cannot and should NOT VOTE!
We checked with the Illinois counsel and found out that our bylaws allowing non-unit owners to serve on the board had been overridden by state law. With that, Chuck Watson stepped down because he wasn't on the deed. He intends to get his name on the deed so he can rejoin, and the board appointed his wife in the interim. No decisions during his tenure were decided by a single vote. We need to confirm this. - Barbara Hopkins - Member - 2026 Oxford Ct, Schaumburg, IL 60194
Sheffield Towne Staff Employees:
Sheffield Towne is a Townhome Community of 592 homes situated on forty-four acres of professionally landscaped common areas located in the northwest portion of Schaumburg. The development was built by Levitt & Sons between 1970 and 1975. The clubhouse was the original sales office and the model homes were located on Cheltenham Court. This web site is for the people of Sheffield Towne, to express opinion about our Community and our Association.
Illinois Department of Financial
Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate
Which Law Governs My Association? Most homeowners associations are governed by either the Illinois Condominium Property Act or the Illinois Common Interest Community Association Act. Which law applies to your community depends on whether the homeowners association is a condominium association.
In a condominium, each member owns his or her own private residence called a unit in one or more buildings containing other units. Each member also co-owns the parts of the development that are not units called “common elements" together with the association\ other members. Condominium associations charge a monthly fee called assessments that covers the cost of maintaining and operating the common elements.
Usually, but not always, the word “Condominium" will appear in the name of a condominium association, and the associations key legal document will be called a “Declaration of Condominium". All Illinois condominiums are subject to the Illinois Condominium Property Act.
If your homeowners association is not a condominium, it is a non-condominium common interest community association. In a non-condo common interest community association, each member owns his or her own land and the private residence built on that land.
Members living within a defined area or community pay annual or monthly fees or assessments for maintenance of shared community facilities, and must also comply with architectural and other restrictions spelled out in a document typically called a “Declaration of Covenants". If a non-condo common interest community association includes at least 11 private residences and annually collects more than $100,000 from its members, it is subject to the Illinois Common Interest Community Association Act.
If you are a member of a non-condominium common interest community association that is too small to be subject to the Illinois Common Interest Community Association Act, the Illinois General Not-forProfit Corporation Act will apply if your association has been incorporated.
It's no surprise, therefore, that more and more homeowner associations are implementing technology solutions to help them better serve their communities and maximize their time, money and energy. Question for the Board
Sheffield Towne Projects:
Architectural and Landscaping that Need Attention
- Let's get a Fence Replacement Project going in 2024!
- Driveway Replacement with a Qaulity Paving Company
- Curb Replacement
- Remove or Place under ground Comast and ATT Cables
- Replace all the cut-down trees.
- Why are there some stumps and bare patches of lawn? This needs to be fixed ASAP!
- A Lets begin a Save Our Trees program in the Sheffield Towne! We need to address the potential tree removal issue. Property Managment 's comments have raised concerns that we should act to preserve our greenery, a matter we deeply care about, when he told he would like to cut down all the trres, because it would make his job easier.
Empowering Homeowners:
Your Voice Matters
Proxy Voting: A Deliberate Choice Proxy voting is a pivotal tool within any homeowners association (HOA), offering a way to voice your decisions even in your absence. However, entrusting your vote to the board may not always align with the community's best interests. We advocate for a balanced power distribution, urging you to consider assigning your proxy to a trusted neighbor who shares your viewpoints. This fosters diverse decision-making and enriches our community dialogue.
Incomplete Projects and Renovation
Information on Phase I renovations the 2008 Feasco renovation project.
So, before you give the Board a eleven month FREE PASS to what ever they what. What happened to Phases II, III, and IV. Major Cost Overrun, Legal Fees, and Running out of MONEY! All of us paid, yet 75% of us are still waiting. Check out this village of Schaumburg report.
Projects implementation by the Current Property Managment
Recycling Container Address Labels program, the tree and stump removal initiative, the landscape repair project, and the tree replacement program. Forty percent of the receptacles checked still need to include this Sheffield Towne Address Label. The program started in 2021. Why hasn't the Sheffield Towne Property Managment fined or picked up all such trash cans on the property?
It's deeply concerning to witness a recurring pattern of failure in various programs, including tree and stump removal, landscape repair, and tree replacement. These failures have not only resulted in a significant waste of resources but have also compromised the safety and aesthetics of our property.
Given these past failures, it's crucial to questionto ask, should we trust The Property Managment and the board to complete this Major Project without significant problems. VOTE NO on Proxy Voting!
This situation is eerily reminiscent of the Renovation Project That FAILED in 2006-8, and I am still waiting for my home improvements.
Another program that has yet to be implemented by the current management and board is the registration of all vehicles on the Sheffield Townhomes property.
46% of the Vehicle Stickers are Missing. They have been required since 2018.
Why are they taking up space in the parking lot?
Shockingly, we found that about 46% of the vehicle stickers this Schaumburg Association requires have been missing since 2018. This lack of accountability is a serious concern. Why has there been no action taken against the property Managment and his crew when they roam the streets of Sheffield without the required stickers? It's high time we enforce accountability.
Homeowner Concerns
Insights into homeowner concerns regarding Architectural Control Rules, proxy votes and board decisions.
Fences Homeowners are required to maintain their own back yard fences in accordance with Sheffield Townhome Fence Specifications. Contact the association office for a copy of the Fence Specifications and Architectural Control Rules.
Local Services and Merchants
Listing of local services, including appliance repair and dryer vent cleaning.
Sheffield Property Managment and Schaumburg Village Services